Mother's Day Gift Guide

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This is my first year as a mother so I put together a gift guide of things I would love to get as gifts. Seemed only fair. ;)

Mother's Day Gift Guide

  1. Maybe it's because I'm breastfeeding, but I'm always hungry these days. I would would love someone to give me a box of Mrs. Field's Cookies...or any food for that matter.
  2. Skip the floral bouquet and give mom a floral blazer to let her know you think she's boss.
  3. While pregnant, my poor feet became very neglected. An at-home pedi spa is just what I need.
  4. I really have to be sure and stay hydrated these days, so this water bottle would be an awesome gift.
  5. And finally, to pass the time while I'm maternity leave, I could go for a new (to me) 3DS game. Zelda for the 3DS perhaps?

I think subscription services make fun gifts. Why not give mom one of these: