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Cleaning Challenge: Baby-Steps /// Week Two

Last week's challenge was to make the bed every day, even on the weekend, and I did it! It really did make the bedroom feel so much "neater" and made putting away the clean laundry easier. Success! So this week, I'm stepping it up a notch! In addition to continuing the week one challenge, I'm adding a new task to...

The Baby-Steps Cleaning Challenge

WEEK ONE: Make the bed EVERY morning. Including weekends.

It may not be catalogue perfect, but it's made!

it would be neater if it weren't for my "helper".


• WEEK TWO: 15 Minute Pick Up. This week, I'm going to add a 15 minute quick pick up to my routine. I'm going to set a timer on my phone and for 15 minutes, I'll go through the house and make sure there isn't anything where it shouldn't be (I'm looking at you socks that Bigby keeps stealing from the laundry).

• WEEK THREE: Put away clean clothes.

• WEEK FOUR: Deep clean 3 "things". 

Now, I created this challenge with only myself in mind; however if you need to develop some basic cleaning habits into your daily routine, feel free to join the "fun" with me! You know what they say, "misery loves company." If you are cleaning up your act with me, let me know in the comments!