Checking In

This week, I'm a bit all over the place with my focus. I'm getting things ready for Lazy Baby, cleaning out the back room, taking care of myself, eating well (with Mr. LL, more on that tomorrow), and exercising. So far, the eating better and exercising have been going great. I'm actually really enjoying our better diets – granted, I have some not so healthy snacks stashed away at work, but they are just to supplement when I'm feeling hangry. Even those aren't the worst, compared to junk like chips and cookies. Cleaning out the back room probably won't happen this week. It's a major undertaking and we'd probably only be able to work on it this coming Saturday, and that's only if Mr. LL doesn't have to work. I need to do another round of washing of baby stuff because Cake and Mei-Mei (our cats) burrowed into all the clean blankets , plus, we have some new stuff from the baby shower this past Sunday. As for taking care of myself, well, my doctor told me I needed to rest due to ligament pain and when I told Mr. LL that his response was "yeah, every one I work with says their wives slept a lot during their pregnancies. You don't sleep." :| So, now I'm taking off every Monday until my maternity leave so that I can slow down a bit and rest a little more.

My daily tasks are:

  • Make the bed EVERY DAY. Check.
  • Put away the clean dishes in the morning. Check.
  • Spend 10 minutes a day on dishes. heck.
  • Do something laundry related every day. I slacked yesterday, but we're in a good place with laundry (so long as I do a load tonight!)
  • 10 minute pick up before bed. Mr. LL and I were so tired we both basically passed out after dinner, lol.
  • Journal. heck...well, I haven't done it yet today, but I plan to get it done.
  • Meditate. heck.

For my weekly tasks:

  • Clean the bathroom
  • Dust 
  • Walk 4 days a week. So far so good. Today was a rest day. We're really trying to get Bigby to stop freaking out whenever a cyclist/other human passes us. It hasn't been going well though.



  • Get organized. 
  • Clean out the crib space. 


  • Get the crib + changing table assembled. 
  • Wash all the baby clothes/blankets/etc. 


  • Make appointment with pediatrician. Ugh, this is STILL haunting my to-do lists. However, I'll be working shorter weeks up until my maternity leave, so the extra day should give me some time to get things like this done.
  • Buy a few more maternity pieces. – Check.
  • Buy a couple of nursing bras. – heck.
  • Baby showers – Last baby shower is this Sunday. The one last week was GREAT. My friends gave us a lot of things we need for Lazy Baby and we had a fun time playing games. I'll do a post about it later. Not sure when, just yet, but I'll definitely do one!

Checking In

I've been doing well with my daily chores, even though it's been a busy week for me (so far). We had an unfortunate mishap with the fridge that meant we needed to cook all the meat ASAP before it went bad so that lead to some extra dishes for me to do this morning, but I am proud to say that I did them! I started out going "Ok, just 10 minutes and I'm out no matter what's left," to saying to myself "Well, I'll just get what we could actually fit in the sink, but the other things (of which there were three big things) aren't happening right now," to finally "fine I'll just do it all now." Lol. The hardest part is not getting overwhelmed when the sink is full, even though I know it is only full because it has big pots/pans in it.

I haven't been doing so well with my goal for this week, however. Monday I wasn't pushing it because Mr. LL and I were going to a prenatal class at the hospital and wouldn't get home till after 9pm. Yesterday, we had to cook ALL THE MEATS and so we didn't get around to working out. I'm hoping we can break this trend starting this evening. Wish me luck.



  • Get organized. Turns out I didn't have as many empty storage containers as I thought I did. However, I was able to fit all the baby stuff (minus the clothes, blankets, etc. because I want to wash them all) into two out of the three I do have. I'll be able to fit the clothes, etc. into the third one, I think. We'll hopefully be getting some baby furniture in soon and I'll have some dedicated storage space to put things.
  • Clean out the crib space. Started on this! However, in measuring the space, and then looking at the specs for the cribs we want, something isn't adding up. We'll have to do some thinking about where this goes or if we should get a smaller crib/bassinet for now.

Checking in

a look at my planner, i'm trying to keep track of every thing. all the things.

a look at my planner, i'm trying to keep track of every thing. all the things.

Monday was a set back this week. After a draining Sunday that had us behind on housework, I didn't get my morning routine of making the bed, putting away the clean dishes, plus washing the dirty dishes that I normally do during the week. Then we had a Prenatal class at the hospital and didn't get home till after 9:30pm; and we were exhausted and emotionally drained.

So, I tried to get things back on track Tuesday. The morning went well enough except I had a total A.D.D. morning and ended up almost 20 minutes late to work. Pregnancy brain is weird. I actually got all my tasks and chores done and had a really productive evening. I even baked some cookies just because.

Today, I woke up late. However, I got all my morning chores done, lunches made, and dinner started in the crockpot. I did not have time to meditate or journal this morning. That really bummed me out but I'm hoping I'll have time to get those things in sometime later today. I'm not SUPER hopeful, just a little hopeful. The morning is really the only time I have just to myself, so we'll see if I can break away this evening for some reflection.



  • Get organized. Nope.
  • Clean out the crib space. I have done nothing for this project yet. FML.