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Weekly Goals

I'm trying something out here. I've been reading A LOT of Dana White's blog A Slob Comes Clean and it has really inspired me. I randomly found it via a pin on Pinterest, about two weeks ago I think, and I started from the beginning of her journey and am working my way through her archives. I identify with her struggle so much. So, I'm going to give her "method" a try and see if it works.

From what I've gathered, she worked on developing habits as opposed to just creating some daunting to-do list. I started do this too with the Baby Steps Challenge, but then fell out of practice with all the things I had worked on. So, I'm going to try again.

Every week I'm going to add something to my to-do list. Dana calls them Non-Negotiables, meaning that she's not allowed to convince herself it doesn't need to be done EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

For this week, I'm starting from the beginning and going back to my original list of tasks, so my goal is to make the bed every single day.

I'm starting small, but it will be growing. I hope I can keep this up.