2017 goals

2017 Goals and Theme

This year, more than goals, I am setting a "theme" for myself and 2017. Some people do similar things where they have "one word" they choose that they want to have as a mantra or focus in the upcoming year. For me, I want to embrace change and not fear it. The unknown leaves me feeling very apprehensive, but as we get ready to become first time parents we are having to brace ourselves for a whole new world of unknowns. I want to remember to just stop, take a deep breath, and embrace life and its changes as they come.

I do still have some goals I'd like to work on this year, of course.

  1. Have a healthy baby via a healthy delivery. A lot of this is just out my control, but I can hope for it and do what I am able to help this become a reality.
  2. Figure out our taxes. Because I did pretty ok with my freelance work this past year, our taxes just got a whole lot more complicated.
  3. Get a (damn) grill. Repeat offender from last year's list.
  4. Continue to grow LV Book Design. I'd really like to grow my freelance business this year.
  5. BECOME. A. BUDGET. BOSS. Also a repeat offender, but with a new member of the family on her way, this is a MUST.

Do you have any goals for 2017? What about a theme or word for the year ahead?