Lazy Baby turns 2!

 Another year has passed and I am amazed every day by this delightful creature. She has not been a baby for some time now, but it still amazes how much she’s not a baby. She runs around, climbing everything; she’s talking more and more every day, like asking our dog “Bigby, what are you doing?”; her imagination is a thing of wonder to me, as well. The games she creates and the things she pretends are other things...I suppose it is a bit difficult to explain. She is a bright child and I love watching her light shine.

She is my chip-buddy (because she likes the salty treat as much as I do). She is my mini-me in some ways. She is a mini-Mr. LL as well. I cant wait to see what the future will be like with you in our lives. 


Lazy Baby had a great birthday. We had family over to our house. She got a lot of Moana gifts and didn’t nap all day. Thus, she fell asleep during her bath. :D