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35 before 35

I never did the whole 30 before 30 thing, but I really like the concept and I figure, hey I got some time before I turn 35, so why not make a bucket list? You won't find anything crazy on it, like travel outside the country, because I'm still trying to figure out how to get my little family on a vacation in another city that's a two hour drive away. Baby steps. I have about a year and a half to check off this bucket list. I'll be updating my progress as I go and I'll check back in after I turn 35 in 2020!


  1. Take a real family vacation with Mr. LL and Lazy Baby: out of town, for at least three days. Preferably a week or longer.
  2. Take a kickboxing class: or some other kind of fitness class that I’ve never tried before.
  3. Learn another language: I’m leaning towards sign language, but I’d really love to learn Japanese. I’m just a wee-bit intimidated by that one.
  4. Fight back fear: make a list of things I’m afraid of and try to face at least 5 of those fears.
  5. Have a family dinner: that’s not holiday related, at our house.
  6. Buy a house.
  7. Donate blood: I’ve never done this because I was afraid, but having a baby made me not so squeamish about having blood drawn or needles.
  8. Try a sensory deprivation chamber: I just want to know what it’s like to just be with nothing to distract you.
  9. Go to the Insectarium: I’ve been curious and I’d like to LB. Plus Maybe I can check of one of my fears (spiders) here.
  10. Write: a children’s book, finish the novel I started, or do something completely different. Just something.
  11. Get Lazy Baby out of our bedroom: Hopefully if we buy a house this will take care of itself. 
  12. See a musical: The Saenger in New Orleans gets a lot of great shows, and I would love to see one. I’ve never seen a musical live.
  13. Start a monthly date night with Mr. LL: Mr. LL and I haven’t been out, at night, since he was in a wedding. I’d like to have this time to just unwind with him. But first...
  14. Trust someone to babysit LB besides my mom: Yeah, we gotta cross this hurdle first. My mom is out of babysitting commission for awhile so time to suck it up.
  15. Evening walks with my family: Not EVERY evening, because right now it is too dang hot and that’s when the mosquitos come out. But maybe in the fall and winter we can do this some times.
  16. Have an emergency fund: we’ve been working on this one, I’d just like to see it reach it’s goal.
  17. Date with myself, once a month: like going out for coffee or something small like that. Just to have a little “me” time.
  18. Join an IRL book club: I’m getting desperate for some friends that are in my vicinity, and if this is what it takes, so be it. Plus, Books, Booze + Bajingos is still on hiatus.
  19. Get a new computer: Or at least a new to me refurbished computer.
  20. Create a capsule wardrobe: I want to be able to clear out some room in my closet that I share with Mr. LL and also be able to make well put together outfits quickly.
  21. Try a new food: This one I’m hoping to let happen organically. Like if I’m offered something I’ve never had before, I’m just going to eat it and see if I like it. I’ve been trying to reform my picky eater ways most of my adult life and I need to step it up a notch.
  22. Grow a plant: I have a black thumb when it comes to horticulture, so I’d like to see if I can manage this task. I’ll probably kill it, but maybe I can get a cactus and keep it alive. 🌵
  23. Do a class with Lazy Baby: Like a swim class or mommy and me time at the library. Just something out of the house that will help her development and give us some bonding time.
  24. Have an all-day spa experience: I tried to do that this year for my birthday, but it ended up being a morning and the rest of the day filled with stress and disappointment because my plans for a “me” day fell apart. But that’s life. 
  25. Start eating better for my digestive issues: I have acid reflux, bile reflux and a hiatal hernia. I am at risk for Type II diabetes (hereditary) as well, so I really need to look into what kind of diet would be best for my health and work to stick with it.
  26. Start taking a multi-vitamin: When I was taking prenatal vitamins, my health with great. Not a cold in sight! This taught me that vitamins are legit but I haven’t gotten back on them since the pregnancy.
  27. Complete a 365 photo challenge. ¬.¬
  28. Buy a legit dinner setting: Mr. LL and I bought a set from Walmart years ago and it has slowly started to break and chip and crack. I want to get a new dinner set and one that is maybe a bit better quality.
  29. Kick a bad habit: I have plenty to choose from, like my coffee/soda intake, sleeping with make-up on my face, biting my nails, picking at my face, etc. If I could work in getting one of these out of my life, I’d be happy.
  30. Meal prep for an entire month, straight: I’ve been an on-again-off-again meal prepper since before Lazy Baby and I really loved it when I did it. I just need to suck it up and spend some time doing it.
  31. Check off at least on restaurant on my dining bucket list: Preferably 5. 
  32. Have a respectable home bar: Mr. LL and I are not big drinkers, by any means. Especially now, with LB in our lives. But I’d like to have the occasional cocktail after a long, hard day and I don’t particularly like beer or wine. So, I hope to just get a few bar staples so that I can whip up something when the urge hits me.
  33. Master at least 5 cocktails: I only know how to make simple cocktails that require a mixer + liquor, so I’d like to fancy up my drink game.
  34. Get routine about my preventative medical junk: I go to the lady doctor every year, but my annual physical, dental cleanings and eye exams are a rare occurrence. As I get older, I really need to make sure I’m taking care of myself, not just for me but for my family as well.
  35. Make indulgence a weekly event but only once a week: I’d like to have one day a week where we can indulge in junk food and other such things but also try to keep those indulgences to one day a week. Keep the rest of the week healthy and really put thought into how we spend our “cheat day”.