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Mid-Week Check In

Ok, so this post is going to be lame, but whatever. Right now, my only daily task is making my bed, but I need to get into the habit of being held accountable, so I'm checking in. So far this week, I've made the bed every day. I've also caught myself doing this task begrudgingly. I'll go back into the bedroom to get ready in the morning, and think "ugh, I have to make the bed." It literally takes me two minutes (a few extra minutes longer if Bigby and Cake decide to "help") and yet I go all angsty-teenager over the task. 

Also, I've not been making the bed very nicely, just making sure the top sheet and comforter are pulled up/straightened instead of left as a wad in the middle of the bed. It gets the job done, though, and that's all that matters right now. I need to was our decorative pillows. I feel like that might make me feel more inspired to make the bed.

Monday, I was off work (using up some use-it-or-lose-it vacation days), and I used that time to catch up on some housework that had gotten out of hand. I've almost caught us up on laundry (just some blankets and a robe that keep getting pushed aside to do clothes that we actually need), I got the dishes back under control, and I straightened up A LOT in the front two rooms. Oh, and I cleaned the bathroom. I didn't get everything done before Mr. LL got home, but he helped me finish up two tasks I wanted to get done – dusting and sweeping/vacuuming. So the house is looking pretty good, right now, at least.

Later on these posts will be a bit more...interesting I'm sure.