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Tumblr blogs to +Follow

I think most people who are use social media these days have a love hate relationship with Tumblr. We love the constant flow of content, but if you are like me, you can find yourself sucked down a wormhole–losing all sense of time and reality while constantly scrolling through the depths of your Tumblr feed. Today, I thought I'd share some of the Tumblrs I follow that are largely responsible for keeping me lost in the internet for hours.

What I Wore was the first fashion blog I had ever seen. I still follow Jessica to this day. Her style if very timeless, yet also quirky. To me, this is the OP of fashion blogs.

No matter what kind of work you do, if you have to deal with clients, you can relate and get a chuckle from Clients From Hell. These stories will make you laugh, shake your head, go wide eyed and perhaps bang your head on a desk because you've been there (or are praying that the client in this story never contacts you!).

Did you know is my obsession. For as long as I can remember, I've had the uncanny ability to remember the most random tid-bits of knowledge, and I love to regurgitate them back out to my family and friends. Once I discovered this Tumblr, all bets were off. Now I have a steady stream of factoids to share! Muahahahahaha.

George & Brad Takei's Tumblr is just a fun journey through the fun and funny. They have curated a feed filled with links to other sites that lead you down wormholes of meme after meme.

Bonnie Burton is my fave on Vaginal Fantasy, but she is a powerhouse with a lot of work under her belt. Her Tumblr is always filled with interesting things that my little nerd heart loves.  

And you can check out my Tumblr if you like! Lyn the Lazy!